Cutting in a serious impairment

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1.Lower feed ( to local)

2.To reduce the installation time suspended the amount of stretch.

3.Necessary, to reduce the maximum length Duanren.

4 . Bushing on. The holding chuck of the inspection.

Reason 02. Cutting load is too large

The Countermeasures:

1.To prevent the occurrence of excessive wear, the tool change in a timely manner.

2.To the cost of each and every blade into the volume.

3 . To enter the same amount, to increase speed.

4 . Reduce the depth of cut.

5.To raise or reduce speed to avoid a number of cutting-edge plug and eating crumbs.

6.Without cutting edge chamfering, comer of the neck to avoid cutting tools to reduce stress concentration.

7.To reduce the installation of hanging stretch, to avoid a bad set of the gripping chuck.

8.Increase the cutting fluid cluster of compressed air to enhance the ability of chip.

9.Milling into the inverse cis-milling.


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